Poems / Поэмы

Цена 3.33 - 6.09 USD

labirint.ru6.09 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9785521065929

Издатель Т8

Страниц 260

Год выпуска 2018

Форма выпуска 60x90/16

Original This is a volume of poetry published jointly by the three Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne in 1846 and their first work to ever go in print. To evade contemporary prejudice against female writers, the Bronte sisters adopted masculine first names. The book was published under the title Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. All three retained the first letter of their first names: Charlotte became Currer Bell, Anne became Acton Bell, and Emily became Ellis Bell.