The information age is burying us with an unprecedented amount of information. At the same time we are asked to make more decisions about our lives than ever before. It"s no wonder that the average American reports frequently losing car keys or reading glasses, missing appointments, and feels worn out and tired just by trying to keep up. Are there strategies we can use to help cope, to regain a sense of mastery over the way we organize our homes, workplace, and lives? Strategies based on the latest brain science? On the habits of people who are the most accomplished at managing information flows? Daniel Levitin"s resounding answer is this book with chapters on everything from the junk drawer in the kitchen to health care to gambling in Las Vegas. THE ORGANIZED MIND reveals how the latest research in the cognitive neuroscience of attention and memory can be applied from the classroom to the boardroom, from our home lives to the interactions we have with friends, doctors, and business...