The islamic insurance

Цена 84.03 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783845400952

Страниц 148

Год выпуска 2011

In order for Islamic insurance companies to succeed,they had to adopt Reinsurance because it is an integral part of Islamic Insurance.Islamic Insurance cannot flourish and succeed except by Reinsurance.The capital of Islamic insurance companies cannot cover the consequences of catastrophic damages which are insured and which may reach tens or hundreds of thousands.Therefore, these companies had to have a financial cover to enable them to recover the consequences of these damages.This cover is provided by the Reinsurance.Companies.Reinsurance is considered as an important means to guarantee the payment of compensation to the Insured who are involved in accidents.Some countries have imposed a condition for the approval of establishing Islamic and non- Islamic Insurance Companies requiring them to present Reinsurance agreements beforehand