Judgment Day

Цена 13.00 - 15.40 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780345531490, 9780804169004

Брэнд Anchor


Издатель Anchor

Страниц 368

Год выпуска 2015

Форма выпуска 130x205

The wizards of Unseen University must once again defend Roundworld (aka Earth), not against elves or humans" ignorance, but against Discworld"s Omnian priests, who have issued a writ claiming ownership of it. The Omnians fervently believe that the world is round, not flat, and view the discovery of Roundworld as a vindication of their faith. They argue that to leave this artifact in the hands of the wizards would be unacceptable: not only do the academics claim that Discworld is a flat world traveling through space on the back of a turtle, but by creating the Roundworld universe, they have elevated themselves to the level of gods. Ankh-Morpork"s venerable tyrant Lord Vetinari agrees to a tribunal, where the wizards Ridcully, Rincewind and Ponder Stibbons can present their case, with key assistance from a Roundworld librarian named Marjorie Daw. Interwoven with the Discworld chapters are Pratchett, Cohen and Stewart"s explorations of such topics as big science, creation (dicussing...