Cats Are Weird

Цена 9.73 - 11.47 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780811874809

Брэнд Chronicle Books


Страниц 108

Год выпуска 2010

Cartoonist Jeffrey Brown"s drawings perfectly capture the humor and quirkiness of cats in all their strange and charming behavior. Following the success of Cat Getting Out of a Bag (30K+ net to date), this all-new collection of colour and black and white comic strips loosely follows the adventures of a pair of cats as they explore the world around them, indoors and out. Adventures include taking a nap, licking a shoe, attacking dust particles, hiding in the cabinets, pouncing on fallen leaves, confronting the vacuum cleaner, patrolling the yard, and purring up a storm-all adorably rendered in Brown"s immediate and irresistible style. Sure to delight anyone who lives with a cat and appreciates their sweet and batty behavior, this beautifully packaged gift book is the cat"s meow.