The Devil

Цена 4.76 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781848270206

Брэнд Transworld Ireland


Издатель Transworld Ireland

Страниц 304

Год выпуска 2011

Форма выпуска 130x200

America - the land of opportunity, a place where economic prosperity beckons: - but not for PI Jack Taylor, who"s just been refused entry. Jack resumes his old life in Galway. But when he"s called to investigate the frenzied murder of a student, he remembers an encounter with an over-friendly stranger in the airport bar. A stranger who seemed to know rather more than he should about Jack. After several more murders and too many encounters to be coincidental, Jack believes he may have met his nemesis. But why has he been chosen? And could he really be dealing with the Devil himself?