Wild Cards. Down and Dirty

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781473205154

Брэнд Gollancz


Издатель Orion Books

Год выпуска 2014

- When an alien virus struck the Earth decades ago, it spawned a new breed of superhuman men and women. Those with useful mutations were known as Aces, those with deformities as Jokers. Now, in New York"s Jokertown, a savage street war has broken out between the Mafia and a gang known as the Shadow Fists. A courageous band of Aces must go underground to wage a war against the powers of the criminal netherworld. Edited by George R.R. Martin and including a story by him, this volume also features stories from Roger Zelazny, Pat Cadigan, Melinda M. Snodgrass and many more.