The Magic Pen

Цена 6.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780007185887

Брэнд Harpercollins UK


Издатель HarperCollins Publishers

Год выпуска 2005

Collins Big Cat Everything about Mr Big is big. And ordinary pens just won"t do; every time he tries to write, Mr Big"s ordinary sized pens break. So Mr Big drives to the shop in his big car to buy a big pen. But size is not the only suprising thing about Mr Big"s new pen. Blue/Band 4 books offer longer, repeated patterns with sequential events and integrated literary and natural language. Text type - A fantasy story. A storyboard on pages 22 and 23 provides a pictorial summary of the story in eight frames, an ideal cue for further discussion and activity. *Curriculum links - Numeracy: Shape, space and measure. This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery.