Dictionary of Photography
Цена 67.57 USD
- The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Photography is a landmark publication that encompasses the history, art, and science of photography in a single volume. At a time when information is instantly accessible on the Internet but is often unreliable or uncited, this ambitious project both reasserts the veracity, reliability, and accuracy of scholarly research in reference publishing and offers an immersive, usable, beautifully designed reading experience. Compiled under the editorial guidance of curator, writer, and art historian Nathalie Herschdorfer, and in consultation with an international panel of 150 experts, this volume is based on entirely new scholarship by seventy-nine researchers from sixteen countries. Over 1,200 concise yet fully detailed entries describe all aspects of the subject, including photographers, images, agencies, genres, movements, exhibitions, publications, collectors, techniques, and processes. Entries from Ansel Adams, Diane Arbus, and amateur photographers to Emile Zola, Piet Zwart, and the zoom lens are enriched by 300 images showing key works, artist portraits, exhibitions, installations, and publications.