The Great House Hunt

Цена 19.95 - 22.51 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781849761000

Брэнд Tate


Издатель Tate Publishing

Год выпуска 2013

- Mr and Mrs Ladybird are a young couple who are ready to settle down. Calling on the renowned expertise of Mr Weevil, estate agent de rigeur, they start the search for their dream home. In this deliriously funny marathon Mr and Mrs Ladybird view an eccentric line up of housing options: a mouldy mushroom, a snail shell, a cork afloat on the river, a crumbling sand castle, a rotten apple, an inhabited burrow, and the ultimate in chic living: the loft style broken bottle. Will Mr and Mrs Ladybird ever find a nest? Davide Cali"s story is a humorous take on the house hunt, made all the more hilarious by Marc Boutavant"s quirky characters and hyper-detailed illustrations that children will pour over again and again.