Collected. Living With the Things You Love

Цена 27.19 - 42.56 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781419713958

Брэнд Harry N. Abrams


Издатель Abrams

Год выпуска 2014

- Experts in the world of styling, collecting and decorating, Fritz Karch and Rebecca Robertson present Living with Collections - both a guide to becoming a collector, as well as a curated look at the oddities and elegance of collections around the world. The book teaches the basic principles of the hunt and show the thoughtful style of various collections, from the accessible and affordable to the aspirational extreme. The collections range from dice, to cafe au lait bowls, to sand from beaches around the world, to international toilet paper - demonstrating both the beauty and the whimsy at the heart of collecting. From no frills (The Modest) to ornate (The Boastful), the book will showcase fifteen different personality types in their own chapters, including the minimalist, the colourist and many more. Each type will be featured alongside gorgeous photos, fascinating close-ups and vignettes showing how the objects are displayed and a collecting lesson.