5 Wonderful Views of Destiny

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A personal opinion about something or ones attitude towards a thing matters a lot. The way someone understands or thinks about his or her future also matters. This book reveals that mastery of the concept of destiny has a strong effect in shaping ones destiny. Beloved, how do you view your destiny? What name have you given to it? How are you working towards reaching your destiny? A person who views his or her destiny as a “star” will be quite different from another who calls his or her a “future”. The former beliefs in quick manifestation and very exceptional circumstances and expects it here and now, while the latter is not in a hurry but approaches life a bit slowly though such beliefs in greatness and as a result must take quality time to “wait and prepare”. If an individual views his or her destiny as “suitcase” then it means that such a person has a lot to offer to his generation and will function not as one who is just gifted in one thing but in many areas of life. If you have...