A Prince In The Desert

A prince, being the son of a king, with royal rights, powers and privileges would be expected to be found in the kings palace, where there"s comfort, grandeur and everything good and pleasant. The last place you"d expect to find a prince is in the desert, a place of dryness, intense heat, no moisture or pasture or water. In fact the worst condition one could ever find himself in. When you happen to find yourself in a place you did not expect to be, and confronted with situations you are not prepared for, it is difficult to know what to do or what not to do, or even how to respond or react. No one ever hopes for an evil day, and usually, what you do not plan for, you do not prepare for. Life is full of many unexpected, unforeseen situations. And in ministry, you will encounter several circumstances that will try and test your faith and everything you believe in and stand for. Many are called but few are chosen. To be chosen means you have met certain standards and posses certain...