Matrimonial regimes of the Romanian Civil Code
Цена 89.00 - 96.84 USD
The provisions of art. 312 of the Civil Code establish: a legal system that is the community property regime and two conventional regimes: separation of property regime and the regime of conventional community (the latter includes conventional exemptions from the community property regime). The legal matrimonial regime includes property acquired by both spouses during marriage, except for the goods provided by law, which are each spouse"s own assets. The legal community regime will apply in all situations in which prospective spouses do not opt for the separation of property regime or for the conventional community regime. Separation of property regime is characterized in that each of the spouses is the exclusive owner of their property and of that they acquire by themselves after the marriage, at the adoption of this regime spouses are required to draw up an inventory of movable property belonging to each one at the date of the contracting of marriage. The Conventional community...