Upgrading of High Moisture Low Rank Coal to Hydrogen and Methane

The C2H upgrade project developed a new process for upgrading high moisture low rank brown coals yielding two valuable products: - a H2-rich fuel gas which can be used for high efficient power generation in a combined cycle or as a natural gas substitute; - a pre-calcined feed for a cement clinker kiln consisting of CaO, CaSO4 and coal ash. The C2H upgrade process consists of two core reactors: (i) a steam gasifer with in situ CO2 capture by CaO, and (ii) a sorbent regenerator with the possibility to produce a separate CO2 stream. The project evaluated the necessary aspects of process development. Characterisation of coals and CaO-based sorbents: A European geological survey produced suitable locations for a C2H plant. A methodology for evaluation of calcium-based sorbents was developed. Pilot scale gasification: Testing on three different reactor types was successfully completed (ABFB, PBFB, Rotary Kiln). A H2-rich (>85 vol. %) and CO2-lean gas with low tar content (...