Nature"s Larder. Cooking with the Senses

A thoughtful, deep-rooted way of cooking that reconnects us with the land. Daniel de la Falaise approaches cooking as a sensual task and a celebration of quality products involving as little interference as possible. His compass point: the taste of the raw ingredient just plucked from the soil. His way of cooking—which places vegetables at the forefront, but is not vegetarian—centers around coaxing the most flavor from each ingredient at its peak freshness. This book takes the home cook on "a balloon ride through the seasons," along the way divulging Falaise’s smart techniques, such as using residual heat to cook gently, extracting essences with broths, and using herbs both in cooking and finishing for a layered effect. Among the narrative-style recipes he shares are Carrot and Tarragon Soup, Bass Roasted on Wild Fennel, Young Leeks with Chive Flower Vinaigrette, and Chilled Melon Soup with Cardamom.Woven throughout is a strong element of narrative text in which Falaise shares his passionate philosophy centered on peasant traditions of sustainable agriculture, as well as poignant memories from his upbringing in rural Wales and his colorful family members. Nature’s Larder opens up a new way of thinking about food, one that returns to an instinctual relationship to taste and a direct connection to the natural world.