The Story of the Human Body brilliantly illuminates as never before the major transformations that contributed key adapations to the body: the rise of bipedalism; the shift to a non-fruit-based diet; the advent of hunting and gathering; the development of a very large brain; and, perhaps most surprisingly, cultural changes like the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions which altered the way our bodies interact with the world around us. While these ongoing changes have brought about many benefits, they have also created conditions to which our bodies are not entirely adapted. Lieberman proposes that many chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and cancers are persisting because of our tendency to treat only the symptoms rather than the causes of these maladies. Lively, accessible, and informative, yet frank about how our choices of diet, exercise, and general lifestyle can affect our health, The Story of the Human Body may just change the way you live your daily life.