Edge Futures

By the year 2025, the climate will have changed irrevocably, mainly as a result of greenhouse gas emissions. The temperature is predicted to be, on average, half a degree warmer and will fluctuate to a greater extent. Rainfall will have reduced but will also become more extreme. Resources such as energy, water and food imports will be in shorter supply and transport will be constrained; partly as a result of climate change but also due to regulations aimed at preventing global warming. In a series of important and timely books, The Edge Group explore the impact these changes will have on our lives in the future. "Education and Creativity" studies the future of the knowledge and creative economies in our changing world. The education sector will be key to the continued success of the UK economy, but will need to adapt to significant changes in its demographic mix coupled with higher social expectations. "Transports and Networks" is a thorough examination of the future of travel,...