Cracking the LSAT Premium Edition, 2016-2017, provides students with a thorough review of all LSAT topics, including Logic Games techniques, key LSAT strategies and a breakdown of common LSAT mistakes, tons of drills and detailed explanations to show students exactly what to expect on the LSAT, and much more. The book also comes with access to our Premium Portal online, which provides video tutorials from TPR experts along with extra resources like law school profiles and admissions guidance. And for the first time ever, Cracking the LSAT will include real LSAT questions, licensed from the Law School Admissions Council. The book will include the equivalent of 4 real exams: 3 full-length exams plus 100+ additional questions broken into section-based drills. Please note that with this edition, we are switching this book from an annual to a two-year edition cycle. We will no longer be publishing a "regular" edition of this title.