Washington, D. C. A Photographic Journey

Цена 7.94 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 45863053060

Производитель Random House, Inc.


Издатель Crescent Books

Страниц 124

Год выпуска 1990

Форма выпуска 260x360

From the halls of the Senate Chamber to the halls of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington is fascinating city. As the seat of government, it is the conscience of democracy. No matter what the social, economic or political issue of the day, it receives its forum in Washington. But this city has a relaxing side too. Unmarred by skyscrapers, Washington is a city of broad avenues, carefully maintained parks and magnificent vistas, many of which feature in Washington D.C., A Photographic Journey. You can take a pleasant stroll along the Mall past the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool to the Lincoln Memorial, wander along the Tidal Basin to the Jefferson Memorial or visit the Smithsonian Institution to see a variety of exhibits from the Hope diamond and a giant African elephant to John Glenn"s spacecraft and the inaugural ballgowns of the First Ladies. Washington - the home of Presidents and the heart of America. This stunning collection of full-color photographs is a fitting tribute.