The Big Breach. From Top Secret To Maximum Security

Цена 4.66 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780970554789

Брэнд Global Pr


Издатель Narodny Variant Publishers

Страниц 332

Год выпуска 2000

Форма выпуска 84x104/32

Richard Tomlinson was recruited by MI6, the British foreign intelligence service, during his senior year at Cambridge University. He quickly gained the trust and confidence of one the world"s most effective intelligence organizations. MI6 relied on Tomlinson to smuggle nuclear secrets out of Moscow, to run an undercover operation in Sarajevo while the city was under siege, and to infiltrate and dismantle a criminal group that sought to export chemical weapons capabilities to Iran. For years after joiningMI6, Tomlinson"s career was abruptly terminated for reasons that are still not clear. When he tried to fight the unjust dismissal, Tomlinson was arrested for breaking the notorious Official Secrets Act and imprisoned in one of Britain"s toughest maximum security prisons. Following his release, MI6 kept up its pressure, hounding Tomlinson, launching a smear campaign in the international press, and pressuring its allies around the world to illegally arrest and expel him. The British intelligence service hasused threats of legal action to force publishers in several European countries to abandon plans to publish this book. Ричард Томлинсон был завербован британской спецслужбой МI6 во время своего обучения в Кембридже. Он быстро добился доверия этой могущественнейшей организации. МI6 полагалась на Томлинсона, когда он тайно переправлял сведения о разработке ядерного оружия в Москве, проводил спецоперацию в Сараево и занимался ликвидацией преступной группы, вывозившей химическое ор...