Doctor Who: Time Lord Fairy Tales

Цена 23.79 USD

The Garden of Statues, Frozen Beauty, Cinderella and the Magic Box, The Twins in the Wood, The Three Little Sontarans, Jak and the Wormhole, Snow White and the Seven Keys to Doomsday, Little Rose Riding Hood, The Gingerbread Trap, The Scruffy Piper, Helana and the Beast, Andiba and the Four Slitheen, The Grief Collector, The Three Brothers Gruff, Sirgwain and the Green Knight We are all stories, in the end... This is a stunning illustrated collection of fifteen dark and ancient fairy tales from the world of Doctor Who. These captivating stories include mysterious myths and legends about heroes and monsters of all kinds, from every corner of the universe. Originally told to young Time Lords at bedtime, these twisted tales are an enchanting read for Doctor Who fans of all ages.