The Exchange of Princesses

Цена 10.84 - 17.32 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781590517024

Брэнд Other Press


Издатель Other Press

Страниц 352

Год выпуска 2015

Форма выпуска 140x210

Philippe d"Orleans, the regent of France, has a gangrenous heart - the result of a life of debauchery, alcohol, power, and flattery. One morning in 1721, he has a brilliant idea to further appease his thirst for power: he decides to marry eleven-year- old Louis the XV to the daughter of Philippe V of Spain, who is only four. This, Orleans hopes, will tie his kingdom to Spain"s. But it could also have a more duplicitous effect: were Louis XV to die without begetting an heir - the likeliness of which is greatly increased by having a child bride - Orleans himself would finally be king. In exchange, Orleans tosses his own daughter into the bargain, the 12-year-old Mlle de Montpensier, who will marry the Prince of Asturias, the inheritor of the Spanish throne. The Spanish court enthusiastically agrees and arrangements are quickly made. The two nations trade their princesses in a grand ceremony in 1722, making bonds that should end the historical conflict...