The Mark of the Dragonfly

Цена 8.00 - 11.75 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780385376471, 9780553521900


Издатель Yearling

Страниц 400

Год выпуска 2015

Форма выпуска 135x200

For fans of The City of Ember and The School of Good and Evil, The Mark of the Dragonfly is a fast - paced adventure story about a mysterious girl and a fearless boy, set in a magical world that is both exciting and dangerous. Piper has never seen the Mark of the Dragonfly until she finds the girl amid the wreckage of a caravan in the Meteor Fields. The girl doesn"t remember a thing about her life, but the intricate tattoo on her arm is proof that she"s from the Dragonfly Territories and that she"s protected by the king. Which means a reward for Piper if she can get the girl home. The one sure way to the Territories is the 401, a great old beauty of a train. But a ticket costs more coin than Piper could make in a year. And stowing away is a difficult prospect - everyone knows that getting past the peculiar green-eyed boy who stands guard is nearly impossible. Life for Piper just turned dangerous. A little bit magical. And very exciting, if she can manage to survive the...