My First Britannica (подарочный комплект из 13 книг)

Volume 1, The Earth and Earth Sciences, Volume 2, Physical Sciences and Technology, Volume 3, The Arts, Volume 4, People in History, Volume 5, Folklore and Religions, Volume 6, Europe, Volume 7, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, Volume 8, Africa, Volume 9, The Americas, Volume 10, Plants, Volume 11, Birds. Insects, Reptiles, and Aquatic Life, Volume 12, Mammals, Volume 13, Reference Guide and Index Красочно оформленное подарочное издание, упакованное в твердый подарочный футляр. Build a foundation for learning with this award-winning children"s encyclopedia featuring the topics kids love. Young readers will develop the educational tools they need to succeed. Illustrations, fun facts, and quizzes draw children in and prepare them for school and beyond. An exciting reference set that brings children the world and the universe beyond. Volumes are arranged thematically. Rich illustrations and and photographs bring topics to life. Peoples of the world are presented in crosscultural perspective. Размер футляра: 285 мм х 175 мм.