Hepato-Biliary Diseases & Ayurveda

The liver plays an astounding range of vital functions in the maintenance of the body. Often called the engine of the body, the liver plays an important role in digestion, metabolism and manufacturing essential compounds. Some of the major functions include carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism, detoxification, and secretion of bile. The liver can cause a variety of Pitta disorders such as inflammation and infection. Vitiated Pitta is prone to the range of diseases resulted due to the uncouth function of the liver and gallbladder. Therefore, the maintenance of a healthy liver is imperative for health and well being of an individual. Many Ayurvedic herbs have a long history of traditional use in treating hepato-biliary disease. In Ayurveda, the description of liver and its embryological development is well explained. The description of Yakrita Roga (liver diseases) is very less in Ayurveda compared to the modern medical science. However, there are basic principles to understand...