900 Practice Questions for the Upper Level SSAT & ISEE

Цена 12.38 - 12.59 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780804124867

Брэнд Princeton Review


Издатель Penguin Random House

Страниц 544

Год выпуска 2016

Форма выпуска 210x275

The Princeton Review The Secondary School Aptitude Test (SSAT) and Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE) are crucial parts of the application process for private schools. Give yourself or your student a leg up in the competitive admissions race with this workout book full of practice problems and explanations to help hone your areas of strength, improve your areas of weakness, and drill your way to success. Practice Your Way to Perfection. 2 full-length practice tests (1 for SSAT & 1 for ISEE), plus nearly 600 additional questions. Alternating SSAT & ISEE drills that provide a clear comparison of specific Verbal, Math, Reading, and Writing question types. Academic and Strategic Explanations. Solve questions "your teacher"s way" using a fundamental-skills approach. Learn when to apply The Princeton Review"s test-cracking techniques. Take Control of Your Prep. Assess your current knowledge and use the drills...