The Handsome Man"s De Luxe Cafe

Цена 17.77 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781408704332

Издатель Little, Brown

Страниц 254

Год выпуска 2014

Форма выпуска 160x240

Even the arrival of her baby can"t hold Mma Makutsi back from success in the workplace, and so no sooner than she becomes a full partner in the No.1 Ladies" Detective Agency - in spite of Mma Ramotswe"s belated claims that she is only "an assistant full partner" - she also launches a new enterprise of her own: the Handsome Man"s De Luxe Cafe. Grace Makutsi is a lady with a business plan, but who could predict temperamental chefs, drunken waiters and more? Luckily, help is at hand, from the only person in Gaborone more gently determined than Mma Makutsi... Mma Ramotswe, of course.