Life Extension or Extinction
Цена 112.50 - 114.00 USD
"See, I have set before you today life andprosperity, death and adversity." (Deut 30: 15)Today we are again confronted with the choice betweenlife and death, just like the Israelites of old! Wehave at our disposal the ability to enhance oreliminate ourselves. This book deals with three significant areas thataffect human life: (a.) The symbolic and depthdimension of reality and life: (b). The Human GenomeProject and its implications for life: (c.) Theinevitability of science-religion dialogue topreserve the fragile life on planet earth. Technological and genetic advancements of today offerus the crucial choice between human extension andextinction. We are able to enhance lifesignificantly. We can also annihilate ourselvescollectively. Confronted with such an astoundingchoice, we need to increase our moral and spiritualprowess to respond to the changing scenario of today.So creative acceptance and affirmation of both thetechnological and spiritual possibilities arenecessary for the...