SVD Based Database Watermarking for Security in Database

Now a days databased watermarking is one of the interesting research area in the field of information security.Proving ownership rights on outsourced relational databases is a crucial issue in today"s internet-based application environments and in many content distribution applications. Therefore keeping the aspect of database watermarking this book provides the idea about how to use the watermark into the database for copyright protection. Herein we propose a novel algorithm for watermarking realtional databases using the concepts of watermarking images and biometric images like fingerprint is used as a watermark in our work. The entire procedure basically comprises two steps: embedding the data into a watermark and extracting the data from the watermark. We develop a new algorithm for database watermarking which is based on a mathematical concept “singular value decomposition (SVD). Proposed method performs embedding and detecting a relational database in a fingerprint watermark....