
Цена 9.81 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780007553860

Брэнд The Borough Press

Издатель HarperCollins Publishers

Страниц 368

Год выпуска 2014

Форма выпуска 150x230

The summer after she graduates from university, Emma Woodhouse returns home to the village of Highbury, where she will live with her health-conscious father until she is ready to launch her interior-design business and strike out on her own. In the meantime, she will do what she does best: offer guidance to those less wise than she is in the ways of the world. Happily, this summer brings many new faces to Highbury and into the sphere of Emma"s not always perfectly felicitous council: Harriet Smith, a na?ve teacher"s assistant at the ESL school run by the hippie-ish Mrs. Goddard; Frank Churchill, the attractive stepson of Emma"s former governess; and, of course, the perfect Jane Fairfax. This modern-day Emma is wise, witty, and totally enchanting, and will appeal equally to Alexander McCall Smith"s multitude of fans and to the enormous community of wildly enthusiastic Austen aficionados.