I Capture the Castle

Цена 21.14 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781782300229

Брэнд Bodley Head


Издатель The Bodley Head

Страниц 576

Год выпуска 2013

Форма выпуска 130x180

Welcome to the world of seventeen-year-old Cassandra Mortmain. Written over eight months and in three notebooks, Cassandra tells of her extraordinary and very eccentric family and their life in a crumbling ramshackle castle. What was a very quiet and unassuming life for the Mortmains is fast transformed by the arrival of new, wealthy neighbours from America and Cassandra finds herself falling in love. Set in the idyllic English countryside in the 1930s, this timeless classic will capture the heart of every reader, young or old.