My Autobiography

Цена 16.81 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780553815580

Брэнд Bantam Press


Год выпуска 2014

Just before the start of the 2002 Wales v Scotland match in Cardiff, the stadium announcer asked people to stand and acknowledge Bill McLaren"s great contribution to the sport. The whole ground rose, leaving McLaren choking back the tears. Then came a voice in his ear: "Cue, Bill..." Coping with his emotions on that day was obviously not straightforward, even for a commentator of Bill McLaren"s experience, used to being caught up in some of the most dramatic moments rugby has ever seen. But Bill also talks frankly about the greatest tragedy of his life: the death of his younger daughter from cancer at 46, the three years of agony and the trauma of her final day. Bill wanted to stay at her bedside but she insisted he go and carry out a commentating duty in Edinburgh on the Saturday afternoon. He did so, rushed back to the hospital, but she had died that afternoon while he was on air. McLaren, himself, had almost died of TB in his youth and he tells of the days and nights when he hid...