Successful Web Retailing
Цена 18.95 - 27.65 USD
Most retailers are not taking full advantage of the opportunities the Internet provides them. Their web sites aren"t kept up to date and are changed infrequently; their sites do not generate enough sales; they are not using links or social media effectively, and most have not employed a positive search-engine strategy or embarked on an e-mail marketing program. This book is a how-to handbook that explains, in simple terms, what needs to be done and how to do it if retailers want to make their web sites a more effective advertisement for their stores and an improved communication platform. It also explains what retailers need to do if they wish to increase (or begin making) web sales. Web sites of a variety of retailers illustrate many of the techniques being employed by other merchants, with web addresses so the sites can be explored more fully. The book"s 14 chapters explain why retailers need a better web site and how they can be improved. Each...