Chomps, Flea, and Gray Cat (That"s Me!)

Цена 6.99 - 7.90 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780671038311

Брэнд Aladdin

Страниц 100

Год выпуска 2001

I need this puppylike I need more ratsin the barn!Jealous? Me?Well...maybe a little. My people got a new white puppy named Chomps. That's because he bites at everything, especially flies. What could a gray cat -- me -- want with a Scottish terrier, anyway? The little nipper got into some trouble with the big rats in the barn. It was partly my fault. So...I had to save him. Problem is, now I can't get rid of him. What am I supposed to do with a dog who's determined to get himself into trouble?When my mockingbird pal, Flea, came home for the spring, I thought she could help me train the little furball. But all she wants to do is build her nest. Chomps needs to learn how to hunt. But how can I teach a dumb dog that an opossum is not a rat, and a skunk is not a kitty? Even worse, how can I keep him from turning Mama's fancy new car into a muddy mess? Nothing but trouble. I just thought I knew what trouble was. But now Mama is in danger...This is serious. Talk about trouble...