The Big Spanish Heritage Activity Book

Цена 8.37 - 15.25 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780865342392

Брэнд Sunstone Press


Страниц 66

Год выпуска 2011

Форма выпуска 210x280

This comprehensive activity book for children offers action-packed fun highlighting the contributions of the Hispanic Colonial settlers in the multi-cultural environment of the American Southwest. There are eight sections: The Age of Discovery, The New World, Colonial Life, The Camino Real, The Native Americans, Hispanic Art, Hispanic Architecture, and Hispanic Crafts. Projects are presented in a variety of formats such as illustrations to complete, word searches, matching names and ideas, picture construction, puzzles, and more. This entertaining activity book, richly illustrated by the author, provides a wonderful introduction into the romance and excitement of the Hispanic settlement of America.Walter D. Yoder received a PhD in Curriculum Development and the Arts from Michigan State University and has held teaching and administrative posts at Michigan State University, Arizona State University, and the University of New Mexico.