Adventure of the Soul

Цена 19.80 - 19.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781495803680

Брэнд Infinity Publishing


Страниц 270

Год выпуска 2015

Форма выпуска 152x220

Adventure of the Soul, Joseph's third book, is an in-depth look at understandingthe creative process that is behind the adverse situations and circumstances thatenter our lives and provides vital and powerful clues for making sense of what ishappening. When we ignore our own inner wisdom, life sends us messages. If theinitial messages are missed or ignored, then they can become intense callings thatmanifest themselves in a more powerful way, through injury and disease. Findingthe message in these occurrences is what he calls collecting the gift. It is a process ofawakening, which can free us and heal us from pain and suffering.We are the creative artists of our life and of our physical body. It is in part unconscious,given that nobody would consciously create pain or disease in their life. Howeverunderstanding that we are the creators of the scenario that we call life, is crucial togetting aligned with it. When we are aligned with ourpath and purpose, we experience a smoother ride.