The Forbidden Texts - Gospels and Epistles That Were Banned from the Bible - Including. The Gospel of Peter; The Didache; The Gospel of the Birth of M

Цена 24.99 - 56.90 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781781392164

Страниц 514

Год выпуска 2012

Форма выпуска 152x220

Several Gospels and Epistles were considered not suitable to be included in the Canon of Scripture. These texts are fascinating writings, offering theological and social insights. This book brings them together, included are: The Gospel of Peter; The Didache; The Gospel Of The Birth Of Mary; The Gospel Called The Protevangelion; The First Gospel Of The Infancy Of Jesus Christ; The Second, Or St. Thomas's Gospel Of The Infancy Of Jesus Christ; The Gospel Of Nicodemus, Formerly Called The Acts Of Pontius Pilate; The Epistles Of Jesus Christ & Abgarus King Of Edessa; The Epistle Of St. Paul The Apostle To The Laodiceans; The Epistles Of St. Paul The Apostle To Seneca, With Seneca's To Paul; The Acts Of St. Paul And Thecla; The First Epistle Of Clement To The Corinthians; The Second Epistle Of Clement To The Corinthians; The General Epistle Of Barnabas; The Epistle Of Ignatius To The Ephesians; The Epistle Of Ignatius To The Magnesians; The Epistle Of Ignatius To The Trallians; The Epistle Of Ignatius To The Romans; Ignatius To The Philadelphians; Ignatius To The Smyrneans; Ignatius To Polycarp; The Epistle Of Polycarp To The Philippians; The First Part Of The Book Of Hermas Called His Vision; The Second Part Of The Book Of Hermas, Called His Commands; The Third Part Of The Book Of Hermas, Called His Similitudes.