Thinking Through Job

Цена 11.99 - 22.08 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781936341061

Брэнд Deward Publishing


Страниц 184

Год выпуска 2011

Форма выпуска 152x220

One who turns to commentaries for help will find that many of them are filled with complex discussions of strange Hebrew words and consideration of technical, critical questions with which most of us are totally unconcerned. Wading through all of this tends to obscure the personality of the Bible characters.A serious Bible student wishing to understand Job and to understand his character, his preaching and his times will be grateful for L A. Mott's "Thinking Through Job." As in other of Mott's works, a logical outline provides a simple guide to the text itself, and brings to light what otherwise might be overlooked in a casual reading.