A Light to the Gentiles
Цена 13.30 - 13.95 USD
A Light to the Gentiles is a collection of pastoral reflections on the Scripture readings from the Gospel of Luke that are read in the Orthodox Church from mid-September until the feast of the Nativity of our Lord. The Gospel of Luke is also read during the preparatory Sundays before Great Lent as well as at the feast of the Ascension and at the commemoration of various saints. The Gospel also contains many familiar parables and teachings: the Good Samaritan, the Publican and the Pharisee, the Rich Man and Lazarus, and Zachaeus. Luke reminds us that the Gospel is to be proclaimed to the entire world in order to bring the Gospel to all peoples and all nations. Thus, the Gospel of Luke serves as a beacon of light that shines brightly in the world. My hope is that A Light to the Gentiles invites everyone to read, accept, and obey the Word of God in their lives. This book is a resource for personal and group Bible study, adult education classes, and sermon preparation.