The Kingdom Coming to Age, Revealed Glory! Here"s the Title Deed to the Earth

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The Kingdom Coming to Age, Revealed Glory! Here"s the Title Deed to the Earth was written to give understanding to the humble so they will hear, and give sight to the blind so they will see. The enemies of the church include false doctrine (Psalm 31:6), and false "prophets" (Revelations 17:8). These false prophets lead millions to lose their souls to Satan by preaching captivating lies to the blind, who cannot see the truth. Those that regard lying vanities (man"s image of Jesus, the mark of the beast), manufacture in their own minds Revelations 17:8 from scripture. They call him "Jesus" in their vain imagination, becoming a doctrine of men and devils using scripture to support a theory. Many people want God to conform to their image of Him; however, we don"t make the standard, we only come to it. In many religions, followers are obedient to church leaders who put in them at odds with the one true God (Romans 8:29). You must be born again to see the kingdom, because it"s on Earth!...