Unpack the Luggage Honey! Looks Like This Construction Is Bigger Than I Expected
Цена 9.99 - 10.85 USD
This book, "Unpack the Luggage Honey! Looks Like This Construction is Bigger Than I Expected" is the second volume in a series on the topic of the Lord constructing the perfect house-that is, completing us just the way that He intended us to be. Looking at this topic from a different perspective, it would be like possessing a suitcase that has been packed without any thought being put into it. It must be unpacked and then repacked accordingly. With these two examples, a house being built correctly or the contents of our luggage suitably packed, both projects must be completed in a way that best serves the intentions of the architect or the needs of the traveler going on a journey for the builder. We can be assured that if we co-labor with Christ, freely allowing the Holy Spirit to lead, strengthen, teach, and identify anything that hampers our "holy construction," our endeavors will not be in vain and will result in fruitfulness that brings both glory and honor to our...