The Heavenly Footman

Цена 19.98 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781438513638

Брэнд Book Jungle


Страниц 48

Год выпуска 2009

John Bunyon was an English 17th Christian writer and preacher. He is best known for his allegory The Pilgrims Progress. In his autobiographical book, Grace Abounding, Bunyan describes himself as having led an abandoned life in his youth, and as having been morally reprehensible as a result. After contemplating his acts as a youth he became a Baptist. In 1655 he became a church deacon and began preaching. In The Heavenly Footman Bunyan discusses heaven and how to run to obtain. He talks about the journey being as important as the destination. Bunyan discusses the motives for the journey. Bunyan concludes by saying, ôEXPOSTULATION.--Well then, sinner, what sayest thou? Where is thy heart? Wilt thou run? Art thou resolved to strip? Or art thou not? Think quickly, man! It is no dallying in this matter. Confer not with flesh and blood. Look up to heaven, and see how thou likest it; also to hell, (of which thou mayst understand something in my book, called Sighs from Hell, or, The Groans of a Lost Soul, which I wish thee to read seriously over, [A]) and accordingly devote thyself. If thou dost not know the way, inquire at the word of God; if thou wantest company, cry for God's Spirit; if thou wantest encouragement, entertain the promises. But be sure thou begin betimes; get into the way, run apace, and hold out to the end; and the Lord give thee a prosperous journey!ö