How Do We Get There from Here?
Цена 18.90 - 19.48 USD
(This book is a revised & expanded edition of Making Cell Groups Work) TOUCH Outreach has worked with thousands of churches and pastors. Throughout the years, we"ve made a few key discoveries, which are explained in great detail in How Do We Get There From Here?... -Success with holistic small groups happens when the members of the first groups are fulfilling the unique mission of your church. -Congregational assimilation is a stage six goal, not something you should try immediately. -The transition requires the senior pastor"s personal and long-term involvement. -Team implementation is far more successful than a single individual calling the shots. -The transition to holistic small groups is a values shift, not the launching of a new program. These findings are just a small sample of what you will discover in this practical, step-by-step book on holistic small group or cell group implementation! "We"ll just do what XYZ Church did" We receive calls from pastors who went to a big...