Louder Than Sound, Louder Than Life

Roger wasn"t the most talented young wrestler or in the best shape. He had been deaf since birth and was your typical cash poor wrestler who couldn"t pay for lessons. So when he asked me to coach him in his quest for an Olympic medal, what was it that made me jump at the chance? The answer came to me very quickly and with not much hesitation. Roger Stewart has the heart of a champion. I believe very deeply that talent can be taught. Passion and perseverance are more of an acquired taste. Without a doubt Roger has battled through more adversity in his short life than most people ever experience in a lifetime. From his premature birth at three pounds with a collapsed lung he has been an underdog with a fighting spirit. This guy didn"t just wrestle with adversity on the mat. He lived it every day. That"s why Roger Stewart is and will always be champion among champions. Will Roger ever be an Olympic Champion or win a World title? That page has yet to be written. But one thing is for...