An Essay on Maritime Loans

Reprint of the first American edition. With notes and references to English and American cases. "Of all the French writers upon Commercial Law, Emerigon holds the first rank. His writings and his reputation are not confined to France alone, for the jurists of Great Britain and the United States have equally derived assistance form his labors, and have borne their united testimony to his great learning and diligence. Lord Ellenborough says, "who has equaled Emerigon as a theoretical and practical writer on the Law of Insurance? He has exhausted every topic, so far as materials were within his reach; and upon all new questions his work, for illustration, and authorities, and usages, is still unrivalled." Chancellor Kent has spoken with equal warmth and truthfulness of Emerigon, for he remarks, that his [Essay on Maritime Loans] "very far surpasses all preceding works in the extent, value, and practical application of his principles. It is the most didactic, learned, and finished...