A Compilation of Spanish and Mexican Law

With a New Introduction by Peter L. Reich Professor of Law and Sumner Scholar, Director, Mexico City Program, Whittier Law School Rockwell"s Compilation addressed the needs of miners and other individuals who needed to reconcile Mexican land titles with the new U.S. laws that went into effect in the territory acquired by the United States in the recently concluded Mexican-American War (1846-48). An impressive achievement and a notable contribution to comparative law, it discusses Mexican mining and real estate laws, and their Spanish colonial antecedents, and offers comparisons to the common law of mines and mining. Also included are treaties and other general documents, such as the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and Mexican colonization laws from 1823 to 1846, and a vocabulary of Spanish words. Recognized as an authority at the time of its publication, it remained a standard work for decades and is even cited today. "[A] glance at the table of contents leaves no doubt that the work is...