Ahead Of TheParade

Sherman Skolnick, one of America"s foremost investigative reporters, speaks out on some of America"s current crises. Included in this blockbuster book are the following articles: Big City Newspapers & the Mob The Sucker Traps, Dirty Tricks of Finance and Brokerage The Secret History of Airplane Sabotage Wal-Mart and the Red Chinese Secret Police The Chandra Levy Affair The Japanese Mafia in the United States The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh Assassinations of the 20th Century--Why? The Rev. Jesse Jackson Affair Buying a Media Job Buying a Judgeship Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts The Murder of John F. Kennedy--An Update The Murder of Martin Luther King, Jr.-Unspoken Details Marc Rich, Swindling the Pope"s Soybean Company Exclusive Diana-Dodi Murder Plot Found in Alleged CIA Document The Red Chinese and the Secret Police in the United States The Blackmail Business What Happened to America"s Goldenboy?