Black Gods of the Metropolis

Black Gods of the Metropolis Negro Religious Cults of the Urban North Arthur Huff Fauset. Foreword by Barbara Dianne Savage. Introduction by John Szwed "A foundational text in fields as diverse as religion and urban studies, Black studies and anthropology--a must read!"--Lee D. Baker, author of From Savage to Negro "Fauset"s falls into the select group that includes works of Ralph Ellison, LeRoi Jones, and Albert Murray, that is, the writings of those who have best recognized the distinctiveness and power of Afro-American culture, and given it its proper place in the world."--John F. Szwed, Yale University "A pioneering work in the sociology of African-American religion."--Utopian Studies Stemming from his anthropological field work among black religious groups in Philadelphia in the early 1940s, Arthur Huff Fauset believed it was possible to determine the likely direction that mainstream black religious leadership would take in the future, a direction that later indeed manifested...