Twelve Resolutions for a Happy Life

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12 Resolutions For A Happy Life offers the reader a new insight into the philosophy of happiness. What is real, lasting happiness? What brings happiness? Is there a magical formula or recipe for achieving it? Having found the secret of happiness in spirituality, the author shares her positive outlook on life by putting forth twelve resolutions as milestones on our path to bliss. Before striving to attain happiness, the author affirms, one needs to distinguish it from mere pleasure. Abir Taha thus redefines true happiness first and foremost as self-fulfilment. True happiness is a life of meaning and the attainment of one"s Dharma, or life purpose. ""We are only truly happy when we are truly ourselves,"" she says. Love and self-fulfilment: these are the twin pillars of happiness. ""The highest love is love of the highest,"" writes Taha; happiness lies in realising our highest potential. The readers are invited to apply these twelve resolutions as twelve keys to revealing the best...